Supporting Each Other and Communities

We all need support. We seek support for affirmation, kindness, or support to help us make a decision. Support comes from many places. It can be an uplifting social media post, a conversation with a friend or family member, or a professional who can help you...

Savings 101

Hello and welcome to Savings 101! Whether this is your first time educating yourself on how to start saving or your ninth, we are glad you are here. Making an initiative to start saving money is a responsible and important step in your financial journey. There are...

Mitigating Your Mortgage

As we are in the midst of a pandemic, many people are struggling to make ends meet, and a lot of the time those mortgage and housing bills become scarier and seem a lot larger. As we all work to pay off those bills and stay positive, HOME Inc. is here to provide...

Learning Through the Hard Times

Affordable housing does not take a break. We know this. It does not matter the season, the year, or a pandemic, housing is always a necessity in our community. HOME, Inc. works hard throughout all of these times to make sure that people have access to their futures...

The Journey of a Strong Latina Woman

The process of owning a home is a large goal. At HOME, Inc. we see the dedication our clients go through when wanting to own a home. This process can take years. Though it is so worth it when a family gets to pay off their home, and we gain another valued...