The 2019-2020 annual report is available to view on our website. This report details HOME, Inc.’s from the last year, as well as goals and updates for the future of HOME, Inc.

Director Pam Carmichael says, “I am so very proud of the way our staff has adjusted. Every day they showed up for work (even in pajamas via Zoom) and quickly adapted to the new challenges that were awaiting. This year HOME, Inc. has been nothing if not nimble and responsive to the needs of our staff members and, most important, the needs of our clients. As I watched other organizations become stuck in uncertainty, HOME, Inc. kept moving forward. Always.” when reflecting on the last year with HOME, Inc.

In the last year, HOME, Inc. has become a HUD certified counseling agency, which allows us to better fund and assist the community. Additionally, HOME, Inc. was able to assist many families with homebuyer education, answer questions via telephone, and prevent families from becoming homeless during the COVID-19 pandemic.

HOME, Inc. has aggressive goals for the next year to better help the community, and serve in more capacities. The annual report also outlines our expenses and funding from the last fiscal year.

To read our annual report visit: