by homeinc | Oct 13, 2021 | Blog
Some of the greatest relationships HOME, Inc. has developed over the years are with landlords in the Des Moines community. Jim is one of the landlords that reached out to HOME, Inc. for help and advice on how to evict a tenant. Our counselors were ready and able to...
by homeinc | Sep 16, 2020 | Blog
Some topics are hard to understand. For us, one of those topics is homelessness. A lot of the time, we use the phrase without thinking of all of the implications, history, and effects it has on our society. As an organization that helps low-income communities, it is...
by homeinc | Nov 13, 2019 | Blog
Through partnerships with a number of human service agencies and organizations, we have the opportunity to manage targeted programs that have specific, measurable goals. HOPE for Stable Families is one of those programs. Through funding provided by United Way of...
by homeinc | Sep 25, 2019 | Blog
On Friday, September 20th Wells Fargo held the first-ever Wells Fargo National Day of Service in Central Iowa, with massive success. More than 1,000 team members volunteered in the community, which is roughly 1/14 of their Central Iowa employee base. With the help of...
by homeinc | Sep 10, 2019 | Blog
We have all heard the saying, teamwork makes the dreamwork, right? Well, that saying takes on a whole new meaning with the work we do. We are constantly working with partner agencies to help resolve client issues. We rely on other organizations’ expertise and...