We have all heard the saying, teamwork makes the dreamwork, right? Well, that saying takes on a whole new meaning with the work we do. We are constantly working with partner agencies to help resolve client issues. We rely on other organizations’ expertise and resources to help our clients reach their goals.
We are lucky to live in a city with great non-profit organizations who deeply care about our community. Now, since school is back in session and we are back into the swing of things we are going to give you a quiz to see how well you know Des Moines nonprofits? Ready, Set, Go!!
- Our first nonprofit has greatly helped HOME, Inc. They established and run the Hope for Stable Families program, fund the Community Housing Services Program for HOME, Inc. They bring individuals and organizations together to make change in our community. Their three pillars for 2020 are income, education, and health.
- This organization helps us communicate and connect with the whole community, regardless of language with their 24/7 international hotline for landlords and tenants!
- HOME, Inc. can help, but we are not lawyers, and cannot give legal advice. But this organization does! They help with landlord/tenant issues and foreclosure prevention.
- Housing is a complicated subject. We only have so many specialties. This organization helps with electricity and power issues within rental units. Plus, we have the same taste in office buildings! When we moved offices in 2017, we moved into their old office!
- HOME, Inc.’s goal is to empower families to create housing stability. This program’s primary intention is to address the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
- This organization does a lot of research and provides incredible information about affordable housing in Des Moines and Iowa. They initiate the affordable housing week in Des Moines, along with the Can I Be Your Neighbor design challenge in which our own executive director, Pam Carmichael, is a judge!
- This organization is one we talk about a lot, as they are another major funder for HOME, Inc. and provide a lot of information and standards for our programs. They give us resources for Affordable Housing Month. All of our counselors are certified by this organization.
- This organization helps fund our homeless prevention program. They provide grants for down payment assistance, affordable mortgages, and other loans and resources that both homeowners and renters can apply and educate themselves about.
- This organization provides lending programs and other services to facilitate neighborhood revitalizations. We work with them to provide additional funding for our homeownership clients.
The Answers (you are so excited, I know!!):
- United Way, learn more https://www.unitedwaydm.org/
- Iowa International Center, learn more https://iowainternationalcenter.org
- Iowa Legal Aid, learn more https://www.iowalegalaid.org/
- IMPACT Community Action Partnership, learn more https://www.impactcap.org/
- Centralized Intake, learn more http://www.polkcares.org/polk-cares/centralized-intake/
- Polk County Housing Trust Fund, learn more https://www.pchtf.org/
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD), learn more https://www.hud.gov/
- Iowa Finance Authority, learn more http://www.iowafinanceauthority.gov/Home/Index
- Neighborhood Finance Corporation, learn more http://neighborhoodfinance.org/