Hello everyone! My name is Gabby Lara and I am a first year student at Drake University working for IMPACT Community Action, here in Des Moines! One of our biggest programs has been our housing assistance program that helps low-income families pay for a portion, or all of their rent or mortgage, very similar to HOME, Inc.!
In addition to helping with rent and mortgage, we also help find ways to help our families save money on abnormally high energy bills. Some of the subprograms we offer in our housing program are the Tenant-Based Rental Program, which assists families with their rent for up to two years if they are behind, as well as the Homeless Prevention Program which assists with both mortgage and rent once a year.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the CDC mortgage moratoriums are still active until 31st, 2020. This means we provide assistance with any questions or concerns about eviction. If you have any further questions about our Housing Assistance program you can visit IMPACT at https://www.impactcap.org/housing-assistance