Misty and Charles’ sons love to play Minecraft. If you aren’t familiar, Minecraft is a video game where players can build and create their own worlds and experiences. Misty and Charles are playing the real-world version of Minecraft, the one we like to call life, and they are leveling up.

Misty and Charles learned about HOME, Inc. in July of 2019 when they were staying at the Hawthorn Hill shelter. They then moved into the Clark Commons apartments, where they have been living since. As they were working on becoming sober, they knew a large percentage of recovery is stability. Having a place to lay your head and housing is a key factor of recovery.

When Misty and Charles started working with HOME, Inc. they were faced with being three months behind in bills and started recovery. Charles states, “If we didn’t have the well-being of HOME, Inc. we would have been the products of our own mistakes, without our children, and on the streets”. With HOME, Inc., their recovery program, and stable housing, they were able to anchor themselves.

The most crucial and critical aspect for Charles and Misty was keeping their family together. HOME, Inc. fostered a sense of accountability to make sure that their family could remain together. After all, having a home is the foundation for a family. When Charles reflected on what stable housing means he said, “[Without housing] we wouldn’t have our children, we wouldn’t be together- it could be a lot worse than it is- the key part of all of this was home, and a job and vehicle. You can’t make it in a tent or a car. You need a mailing address and a place to call home where you can make meals”.

Keeping their family together was key. Misty and Charles’ young boys love the house and all the perks that come along with it. They enjoy playing with their toys and the neighbors, playing in their pool and sandbox, and of course, playing Minecraft. As they build new worlds and structures online, both boys are fortunate for a sound structure over their heads and the ability to go back to school. With stable housing, both boys will be going to the same school and not have to relocate.

On top of housing stability, both Charles and Misty are working to attain financial stability. Having a long-term mailing address has helped with communication with financial assistance. Misty was able to get her job back which is a steady source of income for the family. Additionally, being sober has helped them save money and pay all of their bills. Misty and Charles state that the fundamentals of recovery include having a home, transportation, and a job. Home is the number one priority because if you have a home you can get transportation and a job.

Misty and Charles are now 19 months clean and sober and are looking forward to the future. By developing financial stability, they hope to continue sobriety, one day move out of the city, and save more money. They are glad to be part of the HOME, Inc. community and to be a part of a program “that actually works”. Housing is the foundation of recovery and of family- as said best by Charles- “having a home in our life has been more important than counseling and therapy. We have been able to overcome an immense amount of territory because of the new security- not having to face to re-registering the kids, not moving, being able to look for jobs, and having budgets”.