Kourtney works as the Fundraising Director of HOME, Inc. She has been a dedicated staff member since fall of 2018.
Kourtney anticipates, “More awareness in the community and partnerships with other agencies to fill the counseling and education gap around affordable housing” for the future of HOME, Inc. Kourtney believes that the biggest challenge HOME, Inc. faces is the lack of awareness surrounding our services. “Nobody really knows who we are and what we do, and those who do know about us only know one of the programs or a small piece of what we do.”
The HOME, Inc. staff is eager to continue to grow as a community partner, “In order to grow the way we want to, we need to bring in more funding and diversify our funding sources. With more awareness in the community, we will be able to bring in more donors and ultimately grow and fill in the gaps.”
Kourtney is proud to be a part of HOME, Inc., and has seen clients make leaps and bounds in their journey to homeownership, “Watching our clients make progress is the biggest success that we have at HOME, Inc. Our clients are seen on the verge of homelessness and they go through the program, finish their degrees, and improve their credit. We serve anywhere rom 2,500 to 3,000 clients a year with our team of 11 full-time staff 5 of which are counseling staff.”
HOME, Inc. is a strong asset to our community, “Our biggest strength is our flexibility to meet the needs of the community and our counseling and education services. We are HUD-approved which allows us to fill a need nobody else does in central Iowa.”
Kourtney finishes with, “I think HOME, Inc. fills in the gaps by providing the education and counseling pieces that are missing from other programs and we have strong partnerships with other organizations. We have a long history of being reliable and those who know about us know us pretty well and trust us, but we need to broaden and increase awareness of our services to better fit the needs of our community.”