Undesign and Racist Housing

Did you know that neighborhoods with warmer temperature climates tend to be more racist? Reading this piece of information immediately caught our eyes.  In a study of 108 urban areas nationwide, the formerly redlined neighborhoods of nearly every city studied were...

Marcia Fudge – Housing under the Biden Administration

As the inauguration of President-Elect Joe Biden draws closer, it is important to understand the future of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the United States. President-Elect Biden has selected Marcia Fudge to head this department. This new...

Mortgages 101

Buying a home can be exciting but at the same time—stressful. With finances clear in mind, it is easy to feel intimidated. But don’t worry! We got you covered. Here are the basic Buying a home can be exciting but at the same time—stressful. With finances clear in...

Five Financial Tips

It’s common to not want anything bad happening to us or our loved ones. But not properly planning for these circumstances can end up being a very costly mistake. Here are five financial topics that many people will put off for as long as possible. These delays end up...

Kourtney’s ‘mile walk in their shoes’

In an effort to check out a poverty simulation I have been wanting to purchase on behalf of HOME, Inc., I attended the ReThink Poverty Simulation: Walk a mile in “their” shoes at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.  I assumed the role of Nola Nattin-Netter, a...