Is Superwoman Real?

We might have spotted a superhero here in Des Moines. Description includes an amazing woman, working hard, and making her life and her family’s lives incredible. That’s a superhero to us here at HOME, Inc. Chrissy purchased her home from HOME, Inc. at the end of...

Providing Extra Support, Desiraey’s Story

Being self-sufficient is something people are often proud of and hope to accomplish. Being able to be independent and take control of our lives makes us feel successful. When things are going well, we feel good. We are on top of the world. But what happens when one...

Surviving Hardships, a Tenants Story

Jamie is a 40-year-old single mother who has overcome many life-changing obstacles since living on the streets since the age of 14. Some of the hardships include parental neglect, abuse, and drug addiction. These were contributing factors in her quitting school in the...


Advocacy. A big word with a lot of meaning. Advocacy can mean something different to any individual person. Advocacy can be shown in a multitude of ways. Examples of advocacy are volunteering, working on policy, fundraising, and networking. What can you be an advocate...

Dee’s Story

Here at HOME, Inc. we are constantly reminded about the word community. The Des Moines community is so strong, with people working together for the better good. Here at HOME, Inc. we try to be a part of the Des Moines community as best as we can, as well as create a...