eHome Homebuyer Month

As I start writing this blog, I am thinking of some pun that connects the eHome course that HOME, Inc. provides with the fact that now everything is online. But, the eHome course has always been online and has always been a great way to learn how to become a...

Housing Can Not Be a Race Issue

HOME, Inc. is here for our community. We have been since 1967 and we will be in the future. That is why we work every day to make a more equitable and equal future and will not stop working for change. Housing discrimination is present in our community. Black,...

Stay at Home

This is what has been broadcasted all over the news and social media. For many of us that is an easy task. We have a good roof over our heads and a strong foundation underneath our feet. But for others, the stay at home order can be an unsafe or unrealistic task. As...

Point in Time, a Homeless Count

Have you ever heard of Point-In-Time (PIT) Counts? If you answered yes, no need to keep reading. I am only kidding, definitely keep reading, but I am happy to know people are aware of PIT. If you answered no, I am glad you found your way to our blog. PIT Counts are a...

Homebuyer Education

Buying a house can be stressful, especially understanding the complexities of down payments, credit checks, insurance, etc. But with HOME, Inc.’s Homebuyer Education courses taught by our very own Diana Rezac, it has certainly made this process much more manageable. ...